Friday, May 20, 2011

Kind of like Triplets!

Kind of like having triplets...that is what it has felt like this week to take care of a 4 year old, a 3 year old, and a 2 1/2 year old.  You should have seen me today trying to get all 3 kiddos ready for a trip to our friend's pool...swimsuits, crocs, cover-ups, sunscreen, floaties, towels, toys, lunches,...oh my word!  I thought, I am crazy...why didn't I want the "easy" life of one or two kids?!  But I didn't!  It just did not feel like we were done yet; there were supposed to be more Burwells!  And even though there is more noise in our house, there is more peace in my heart, because God brought us this little girl.

A big huge thank you to those who are praying for us!  I swear, I have "felt" your prayers and seen God doing good stuff in our family.  Rihanna has made some good steps forward this week.  She is hitting and pushing a lot less, and obeying more, and more quickly.  I have heard her say "please", "thank you", "no thank you" so many times this week.  She is sleeping better.  She is calling us "mommy" and "daddy".  She keeps pointing to Cate and saying, "THAT my sister!"  She loves to help me do things around the house...and even is trying to assist me in changing Will's diapers, which you can imagine he is NOT crazy about.  She wants to serve and help...I can see that in her.  And the highlight of my week was yesterday when she jumped up in my lap, threw her arms around my neck and said, "I LOVE YOU MOMMY!"  I am really encouraged.  I know there is probably far to go, but I thank the Lord that He really does give you those daily encouragements, as if to say, "I hear you and I am at work in this girl's life."
Hopefully we will be able to be out and about more sometime soon and y'all can meet her!  She is beautiful, such a cutie, and you will love her smile and laugh