Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rihanna's 2 Week Anniv - Starting to Bond

Thank you all so much for your kindness and prayers.   God has really done an incredible work in our family over the last week and a half.  I know that he has been answering your prayers for us and we are so grateful.   The kids are really starting to bond.   Cate and Rihanna are acting like true sisters and sharing each others clothes and dressing each other.   It is fun to see what they will come out with each time they dress.   There is more peace in our home.  They are sharing better and getting along so much more.   Ri or RiRi as I call her, is taking 2 hour naps and going to bed at 8PM without too much of a fuss.   She calls us Mom and Dad without any hesitation.   I really feel that she has peace that she knows she is safe here and this is her forever home.   
The kids love to watch American Idol and we are sad it is over.  We would let them stay up and watch it with us if they were good.   All 3 of our kids want to be performers and each one has their own microphone.   Cate and Ri both have their own guitars as well.   During American Idol they sing and dance to the songs.  It is very precious.    They also have their favorite CD's they like to listen to in the car and Will's favorite is a nursery rhyme CD that has a song called "Polly had a Dolly".   The song ends with "yes I will, will, will" and Will thinks they are saying his name and say's "That's me!"   So we got them to perform this song for you in American Idol fashion.   You can see the link on You Tube below:   Enjoy!

Polly had a Dolly

Friday, May 20, 2011

Kind of like Triplets!

Kind of like having triplets...that is what it has felt like this week to take care of a 4 year old, a 3 year old, and a 2 1/2 year old.  You should have seen me today trying to get all 3 kiddos ready for a trip to our friend's pool...swimsuits, crocs, cover-ups, sunscreen, floaties, towels, toys, lunches,...oh my word!  I thought, I am crazy...why didn't I want the "easy" life of one or two kids?!  But I didn't!  It just did not feel like we were done yet; there were supposed to be more Burwells!  And even though there is more noise in our house, there is more peace in my heart, because God brought us this little girl.

A big huge thank you to those who are praying for us!  I swear, I have "felt" your prayers and seen God doing good stuff in our family.  Rihanna has made some good steps forward this week.  She is hitting and pushing a lot less, and obeying more, and more quickly.  I have heard her say "please", "thank you", "no thank you" so many times this week.  She is sleeping better.  She is calling us "mommy" and "daddy".  She keeps pointing to Cate and saying, "THAT my sister!"  She loves to help me do things around the house...and even is trying to assist me in changing Will's diapers, which you can imagine he is NOT crazy about.  She wants to serve and help...I can see that in her.  And the highlight of my week was yesterday when she jumped up in my lap, threw her arms around my neck and said, "I LOVE YOU MOMMY!"  I am really encouraged.  I know there is probably far to go, but I thank the Lord that He really does give you those daily encouragements, as if to say, "I hear you and I am at work in this girl's life."
Hopefully we will be able to be out and about more sometime soon and y'all can meet her!  She is beautiful, such a cutie, and you will love her smile and laugh

Sunday, May 15, 2011

It's a worthy fight

Guest contributor: Troy

Rihanna is a blessing to our family but it has not been without difficulties.   She has had no formal structure or discipline in her 3 years and does not know how to share or treat others or express herself when she does not get her way.  We are going through intensive training with her but it is tough to say the least.   I encourage you to pray for Cathy as this will be toughest on her as she will be caring solo this coming week for the first time as I return to work. 

However this experience reminds me of an incredible story of a child named "Little Annie":

Speaker Zig Ziglar tells about "Little Annie" Sullivan, as she was called when she was young. Little Annie was no stranger to hardship. She was almost sightless herself (due to a childhood fever) and was, at one time, diagnosed as hopelessly "insane" by her caregivers. She was locked in the basement of a mental institution outside of Boston. On occasion, Little Annie would violently attack anyone who came near. Most of the time she generally ignored everyone in her presence.

An elderly nurse believed there was hope, however, and she made it her mission to show love to the child. Every day she visited Little Annie. For the most part, the child did not acknowledge the nurse's presence, but she still continued to visit. The kindly woman left cookies for her and spoke words of love and encouragement. She believed Little Annie could recover, if only she were shown love.
Eventually, doctors noticed a change in the girl. Where they once witnessed anger and hostility, they now noted an emerging gentleness and love. They moved her upstairs where she continued to improve. Then the day finally came when this seemingly "hopeless" child was released. 

Anne Sullivan grew into a young woman with a desire to help others as she, herself, was helped by the loving nurse. It was she who saw the great potential in Helen Keller. She loved her, disciplined her, played with her, pushed her, and worked with her until the flickering candle that was her life became a beacon of light to the world. Anne Sullivan worked wonders in Helen’s life, but it was a loving nurse who first believed in Little Annie and lovingly transformed an uncommunicative child into a compassionate teacher.

"How do you account for your remarkable accomplishment in life?" Queen Victoria of England asked Helen Keller. "How do you explain the fact that even though you were both blind and deaf, you were able to accomplish so much?"
Ms. Keller's answer is a tribute to her dedicated teacher. "If it had not been for Anne Sullivan, the name of Helen Keller would have remained unknown."

And so it goes. Just how far back does the chain of redemption extend? And how far forward will it lead?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 3 with Rihanna!

I hope you did not miss our awesome post from yesterday about our new little girl, Rihanna!  Our blog website lost a bunch of posts from all over the place and really, can a new mother of 3 be expected to re-create what was lost??!!  

Anyways, this is day 3 with Ri (or Ri-Ri, as she calls herself...or Ri-na-na, as Will calls her).  We are doing some "cocooning", as my caseworker calls it, trying to stay together and home a lot so that Rihanna feels safe and taken care of, and so she is not afraid of us going anywhere or giving her to another family.  She is really enjoying having a brother and sister, except when one of them is playing with a toy that she wants!  I am doing a lot of role-playing and coaching to teach them how to handle these situations.  This has been 3 days of intense mothering, and I am so thankful for my small group (from church) who came and cleaned our house and brought us meals this week.  

The hardest time for Rihanna has been bedtime.  Either she just doesn't like bedtime in general (like most kids) or she may be afraid of Troy and I leaving her alone, although she still has Cate to keep her company.  When we leave the room for bedtime or naptime, she screams until I return.  I have to scratch her back to calm her down and then she falls asleep.  

I keep looking at my THREE kids and thinking, oh my gosh, this is crazy!  We know up's and down's are coming, but I have to say that it feels so good to know that we are giving a real  home to a girl who did not have one.  It makes me think of the Bible verses, "God defends the cause of the fatherless" and "he sets the lonely in families".  

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Burwell, party of five

As Cate Burwell would say, "We got our girl!"
We are so excited to announce that God has already answered our adoption prayers and brought little Rihanna to live with us.  We heard about her situation a few weeks ago and started praying that we might become her "forever family", as they say in adoption world.  We met her on Sunday and she and Cate and Will just fell in love with each other right Troy said, "it was like they were separated at birth and are finally back together!"

Rihanna is a newly 3-year old.  She is tall (Cate's size or taller!) with long legs and long fingers that seem made for playing basketball, if you ask me.  She has a great, huge laugh.  She calls us "Mama Cathy" and "Daddy Troy" and hopefully at some point will naturally shorten that to Mama and Daddy.  She is bright, loves to sing, loves to ride her bike and play ball.  

She moved in with us yesterday, and as a new mother of 3, I am already WORE OUT!  It is kind of like kid-training...teaching Rihanna how our home works, and teaching Cate and Will how to respond to this new sister.  We are trying to lay low and stay home a lot over the next 2-3 weeks so that we can all get used to this new life.  Pray for us when you think about us!  We have felt that doing something like this has been a "calling" that we have both had since before we ever even met, but that doesn't mean it is going to be easy, right?!  Anyways, IF we ever make it out to a nice restaurant again (??!!), that will be our line... "Burwell, party of five!"