On April 1st, Troy and I celebrated SIX glorious years of marriage! oh my word, I adore this man. Too good to be true. But I live with him, and he IS. I still can't believe God has given me this awesome gift, and sometimes I wake up and think that i am still single and forget that--oh my goodness! there is a gorgeous man in my bed! And although he has the hottest calf muscles you have ever seen, it is his HEART that I still love the most.
Every year we do something so fun to celebrate our anniversary...10 yearly predictions. (I adapted this idea from something that they do on the "Bert Show" every January 1st.) We go out to eat, and then we pull out sealed envelopes that contain 1o predictions that we made a year ago on our previous anniversary, things that we thought would certainly happen in the next year. By a year later, I have usually forgotten most of what I predicted. We read the predictions to each other (we make separate lists) and give each other a point for every prediction that came true. They must be somewhat detailed and two must be about "world events". This year, I won! I got 8 out of 10...wow. Troy has won 3x and I have now won the past 2 years. Then we each write out and share our predictions for THIS year. It is too fun! One prediction that we both have...plus hope and prayer...is that by next anniversary, the Lord will have brought us a new baby for our family. We will see if we called that one correctly.
Oh, and I must give a shout out to Troy's sister "Aunt Lana"...bless her awesome heart, for the 3rd year in a row she has kept the kids all weekend so that we could have a weekend to ourselves for our anniversary. I do believe that, before last weekend, the last night that we got kid-free was last year when she did this for us! What a HUGE gift this is to us and to our relationship, and we prayed that God would reward her BIG TIME for what she did for us!!